The most prominent problems of advertising campaigns

The most prominent problems of advertising campaigns

If you are the owner of a company or are interested in reaching your customers through social networking sites, you must be trying to get good results and achieve your goals from the advertising campaigns that you launch.

But has it ever happened that after weeks of planning, strategizing, creating and launching it, your marketing campaign failed


Why ?? What are the problems and their solutions to avoid their occurrence and thus achieve great results?


The first problem: choosing the wrong advertising platform

The solution: We study the product and analyze the target audience in terms of gender, age, and the geographical location in which it resides, and then we can determine the best platform for the advertising campaign.


The second problem: Weak advertising content and lack of diversification in the designs used

The solution: We write easy and motivating advertising content at the same time, while diversifying the media we use in the campaign between advertising videos and attractive designs.


The third problem: the high cost of one sale due to not choosing the appropriate advertising platform for the target audience and writing inappropriate content

Solution: We try to reduce the cost of the sale as much as possible by targeting the right audience, choosing the right advertising platform, and trying more than one type of content


The fourth problem: the user experience of the online store is poor, which reduced purchases after conversion

Solution: We test and develop the online store to make it easy to use and fast to browse, and add high-quality designs within the online store, paying attention to the store’s content and product descriptions.


The fifth problem: targeting more than one target in the advertisement; This led to the distortion of the results and brought about less important results in the long term

Solution: We focus on a specific and measurable goal that helps us achieve better results in less time.


How do we avoid these problems?

1 _Study the market and know the target audience

2 _Analyzing ad accounts

3 _Develop a clear advertising plan

4 _Analyzing competitors

5 _Analyze and study the nature of the target audience and their search methods for what they want to buy and work to satisfy them in order to achieve profits from advertising campaigns


In keeping art, a team specialized in managing and evaluating advertising campaigns until successful goals are achieved

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