Marketing and advertising companies between promises and reality

Marketing and advertising companies between promises and reality

Many entrepreneurs are looking for the best e-marketing company or advertising agency to promote their services and products to increase their sales and expand their business.

And with the proliferation of e-marketing companies that promote their services in a bright and attractive way, the task of relying on a creative team is not that easy.

If you are the owner of a large or small company or a small or large commercial project, you certainly want to get the maximum benefit from the e-marketing companies that you will contract with .. and unfortunately it happens that you agree with an advertising agency .. and you expect a lot of wonderful results .. from a design A wonderful website, an increase in sales, and an imaginary reach to customers through successful advertising campaigns..and distinguished technical and marketing solutions..

But the result is not completing the required tasks?? Why?

You will discover that the management of this company claims to customers that it is an expert in the field of electronic marketing, and it does not have the experience and professionalism. It operates with only 3 employees.


Was this related to the failure of the company’s work and services??

Let us know what are the problems faced by the owners of companies, services and businesses when dealing with marketing and advertising agencies??

Commercial dealing and imitation of content away from quality and thinking inside the box_

Not tracking, evaluating, and measuring the content with the extent of customer interaction

_Not monitoring advertising campaigns and measuring and analyzing their results makes the financial burden large and the results weak

_Loss of organization and the existence of a clear marketing plan and a well-thought-out strategy

_The art of false speech and dazzling with promises in achieving results that are strongly reflected in sales without providing a tangible business model

_The lack of a headquarters for the marketing company on the ground for real meetings makes the virtual relationship far from the validity of the company’s activity and reputation


So.. How do you find the best digital marketing company?

Start discovering the best e-marketing company for your business with these five steps:


_Determine what your company needs from the e-marketing company1

What do you want to achieve through e-marketing? What’s your budget? what is your vision

What services do you need? What should your service plan include?

Are you thinking of designing your own site? And its development and search engine optimization?

Discuss with the company’s team about the appropriate strategy that is consistent with your target audience, vision, and goals

Answering these questions can help solidify a better understanding of what your company wants and needs from an online marketing company.



_Read the reviews and testimonials of each company2

The best e-marketing companies have many customer testimonials and opinions .. which can reassure you that the company is doing well … They are not here to make profits only in the quick term, but they care about long-term results and strong relationships with customers.


3 _Browse the company’s website and search for the agency’s experience, employees and clients

Working with the best e-marketing company provides access to your business to your target audience.. So

Follow the company’s business.. (from our business)*

Ask about team members and their specializations, such as*

_Managing social media, knowing publishing times, managing paid ads, following them up, and evaluating them

Website design and search engine optimization (SEO)

_Creative and marketing content book and article book

Professional designers who build visual identity and are creative in social media designs on its various platforms

_Makers of digital audiovisual content, video industry and motion video

_The presence of specific disciplines in marketing companies is sufficient to achieve the desired results

4 _Learn how the company measures customer success

During the process of searching for the best e-marketing company, you want to research how the company measures the customer’s success, work, and goals

If you’re looking to generate leads versus spot sales, for example, they’ll customize your strategy and focus KPIs on that goal.


_See how the company markets itself5

When it comes to the best companies, they will often share their pricing or provide transparent proposals detailing their pricing and accomplishments.

And make sure that the quality of what this company provides in the services it introduces itself to will not be less than what it will provide to you


We are at keeping art a professional team that made its experience out of a great passion in the field of marketing, each according to its specialization, and from a long journey that refined the team’s talent and developed its creativity, with all transparency and love. We drew a solid friendship relationship with our customers that made them chart the path of success with us

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