In a world led by artificial intelligence.. How does it support e-marketing?

In a world led by artificial intelligence.. How does it support e-marketing?

The use of artificial intelligence in e-marketing operations can support business performance by providing better time to market (speed), achieving greater insights, efficiency and flexibility, which helps to improve and expand marketing operations.

The various e-marketing capabilities supported by artificial intelligence include:

_Discover potential customers, record unique customers and their spending patterns

_Targeted advertising, ensuring that marketing efforts reach potential customers, which leads to limiting the rise in total marketing budgets.

_Forecasting demand for products, developing customer profiles, and purchasing advertisements automatically, which helps to raise the overall performance of the business.

The entire AI-driven digital marketing effort aims to reduce the cognitive burden on marketers (overcoming too much information | lack of cognitive challenge), which helps in making decisions supported by information and evidence.

But accuracy plays a major role in the final results, especially since AI is predictive in nature, and these predictions will not always come true. The business community needs well-trained marketers with good knowledge of artificial intelligence and data science. To act ethically because these emerging technologies may break the boundaries between technological innovation and business ethics, especially when we are dealing with AI that is open source and publicly available on the Internet, particularly social media


At the present time, we can refer to the emerging technologies that are expected to revolutionize the field of e-marketing, namely:

_Text generation technologies (Chat GPT) and image generation technologies as well, which are technologies that will contribute to changing the face of e-marketing with regard to small ads, and the ability to dynamically change creative elements, as it acts as a translator between cultures and markets (language, image options and colors) while maintaining awareness by brand

_Geospatial intelligence techniques and route guidance, as geospatial data analysis enhances _understanding, insight, decision making, and forecasting, by adding layers of geographic data  such as demographics, traffic, and weather – to a smart map or dashboard.

Techniques to combine historical and near-real-time data for dynamic clients in real time

Profiling, facial recognition and analysis technologies (online)

Voice search buttons and chatbots (eg for customer service)

(_Augmented Reality (such as travel, accommodation, transportation


Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that marketers should take advantage of to achieve better results and improve return on investment.

But human creativity remains the powerful arsenal that drives this tool.

What about you? Do you use artificial intelligence technology in your marketing strategy? If not, what is stopping you from doing so? We are glad to share your opinion on our site

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