Video digital marketing turns the equation and creates the event

Video digital marketing turns the equation and creates the event

According to Hubspot, video marketing is no longer an optional marketing method as it was in the past, but rather an inevitable method for product owners to include in their marketing plans in order to be able to withstand the fierce competition to reach effectively and effectively.

The importance of the video industry in marketing:

A video posted on social media gets 1,200% more engagement than written and video content combined.

So we give you tips before you start adopting video as a marketing tool for your product

Value comes first, then advertising

People watch videos for two reasons: either for fun and entertainment, or for learning and acquiring new knowledge. No one watches videos that advertise products directly. You can advertise your products as you like, but indirectly.

Educational videos are longer

Educational videos have a longer life than entertainment videos, so what you enjoy today may not enjoy you tomorrow. As for information, it often does not expire with the passage of time, so it is better to focus on educational videos to establish your brand in people’s minds,

Present your idea in the first 10 seconds

One study has shown that you often lose a third of your viewers in the first 30 seconds of the video, and 60% of them in the first two minutes, so it is better to present your idea early and avoid procrastination, postponing, and bartering viewers with the information that you will give them.

Don’t make it boring

Sometimes you may have to advertise your product in an explicit way from the beginning of the video to the end. Of course, this type of advertising is boring. Your role here is to try to purify it from boredom and to present it in a humorous way that makes it popular.

In keeping art, a professional and experienced team creates and creates distinctive digital content through highly professional videos that you can view in a section of our work.

Let’s turn your vision into reality

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